Thursday, September 23, 2010

Serious Terrnika

Before I start, I just wanted to say this won't be one of those posts. You know, the ones that say 'my name is so and so and I love so and so!' I'm hate those kind of post. Their so cheesy. My posts are real, funny, and edgy. So lets get started! My name is Terrnika (that's what the title says) and I am doing this blog for two reasons.
1.) I have to
2.) I wanted to see what a blog would be like.

Um OK, I'll start with the standard age and grade. I'm 13 in the 8th grade, I like fruit etc. I don't have a role model. People find this surprising. It's not that I don't have someone I think is cool, but their human just like me, and I don't think that I should look up to another human. I admire many people's character traits, though. Even though I haven't had any super moments in my short life, if I had to choose it would be when I got an A in Spanish. It was only once, but I worked so hard on doing good for that advisory! It was so exhausting, I decided that a B in a language you barely know isn't that bad.
Of course my other grades are stellar, which means I'm going to get in the high school of my dreams; Benjamin Banneker High School, and then off to Penn State. I will then go to John Hopkins after my 4 years at Penn and be an OB/GYN and retire early. That's the plan at least.

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