Thursday, September 23, 2010

!!!~Crazy Mykia~!!!

 Hey!! I’m Mykia (My-Key-a) I am awkward, random, and funny. I am athletic I like to sail, ski, dance, play volleyball and I am gymnast. I have a really fun personality and people love to hang around me. I LOVE the color purple!!! I know I'm special but in the good way because I am the middle child and everything is good in the middle like what the best part of the Oreo the middle what’s the best part of a book the middle so you  see what I mean! I am a Senior at My middle school and about to go to high school I would like to go to Walls, Wilson, and Banneker. Well when I graduate from high school I would like to have chouses to go to Penn State, Columbia University, VCU, and University of Southern California. My role model is my grandmother she is a very important person in my life and I love her and hope to be like her one day. I'm  not the kind of person that will sit in the living eating junk food and watching TV and on the computer well maybe sometimes but I rather go outsides and just do what ever that I feel like doing. So when you read this blog your not going to be board well I least I hope your not! So read on and see what we have in stored for you!!!

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