Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sarcastic Reggye

Instead of using the regular greeting like Hello or Hey I'm using Hola!. My name is Reggye and I'm a girl..not at boy. I'm sarcastic, fun, and kind of an oddball. I'm the youngest sister and almost get anything 
I want..sometimes! I really don't have an role model because I don't admire anybody..but its kinda weird.Those people that others admire or want to be, I don't really see the point of it because there human just like me.The highlight of my life had been great, I've probably have had more than one so, I really can't type into the post. But to say just one it would be the Christmas morning when my father threw bills on the floor and who ever got the money, kept the money. Almost finished so..what I imagine my future would be like is New York or somewhere COOL and money!! What I mean is I want to live somewhere that's cool or fun and I want to have a job that pays MONEY!!!!! So now your finished reading this post and now something about me.

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