Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Abnormal Shannon

Hey I'm Shannon Banks. I'm not really the joker in our group but i laugh a lot and talk probably more than i should. I'm weird says Terrnika but i know It's probably true. I like the color purple and i love all animals. My favorite type of animal is a dog, and i have a dog at home named queen. I don't have an idol but i do admire my grandmother for all the things she odes, and how strong she is in life. She takes care of her grand kids, greatgrandkids, and her kids in our time of need. I love her with all my heart. Lalalala........see I'm weird ha-ha. Well bye for now!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sarcastic Reggye

Instead of using the regular greeting like Hello or Hey I'm using Hola!. My name is Reggye and I'm a girl..not at boy. I'm sarcastic, fun, and kind of an oddball. I'm the youngest sister and almost get anything 
I want..sometimes! I really don't have an role model because I don't admire anybody..but its kinda weird.Those people that others admire or want to be, I don't really see the point of it because there human just like me.The highlight of my life had been great, I've probably have had more than one so, I really can't type into the post. But to say just one it would be the Christmas morning when my father threw bills on the floor and who ever got the money, kept the money. Almost finished so..what I imagine my future would be like is New York or somewhere COOL and money!! What I mean is I want to live somewhere that's cool or fun and I want to have a job that pays MONEY!!!!! So now your finished reading this post and now something about me.

!!!~Crazy Mykia~!!!

 Hey!! I’m Mykia (My-Key-a) I am awkward, random, and funny. I am athletic I like to sail, ski, dance, play volleyball and I am gymnast. I have a really fun personality and people love to hang around me. I LOVE the color purple!!! I know I'm special but in the good way because I am the middle child and everything is good in the middle like what the best part of the Oreo the middle what’s the best part of a book the middle so you  see what I mean! I am a Senior at My middle school and about to go to high school I would like to go to Walls, Wilson, and Banneker. Well when I graduate from high school I would like to have chouses to go to Penn State, Columbia University, VCU, and University of Southern California. My role model is my grandmother she is a very important person in my life and I love her and hope to be like her one day. I'm  not the kind of person that will sit in the living eating junk food and watching TV and on the computer well maybe sometimes but I rather go outsides and just do what ever that I feel like doing. So when you read this blog your not going to be board well I least I hope your not! So read on and see what we have in stored for you!!!

Serious Terrnika

Before I start, I just wanted to say this won't be one of those posts. You know, the ones that say 'my name is so and so and I love so and so!' I'm hate those kind of post. Their so cheesy. My posts are real, funny, and edgy. So lets get started! My name is Terrnika (that's what the title says) and I am doing this blog for two reasons.
1.) I have to
2.) I wanted to see what a blog would be like.

Um OK, I'll start with the standard age and grade. I'm 13 in the 8th grade, I like fruit etc. I don't have a role model. People find this surprising. It's not that I don't have someone I think is cool, but their human just like me, and I don't think that I should look up to another human. I admire many people's character traits, though. Even though I haven't had any super moments in my short life, if I had to choose it would be when I got an A in Spanish. It was only once, but I worked so hard on doing good for that advisory! It was so exhausting, I decided that a B in a language you barely know isn't that bad.
Of course my other grades are stellar, which means I'm going to get in the high school of my dreams; Benjamin Banneker High School, and then off to Penn State. I will then go to John Hopkins after my 4 years at Penn and be an OB/GYN and retire early. That's the plan at least.

"Above and beyond the call of duty" Dorie Miller

Why would our class be name after Dorie Miller? Whats so significant about him? Was it the fact that he was brave and courageous on the attack of Pearl Harbor, or was it the fact that he risked his life to save others? Either way he was a brave African American in the line of duty. Dorie Miller is an appropriate name for our class because he was brave, courageous, smart, and quick when the attack happened. He admitted that even though he never shot that type of gun in the planes, he learned how quickly and once he did, it was easy. That's a great skill, and many people would love to have it. We hope that the characteristics of Dorie Miller rub off on our class. We must admit, we were skeptical when our class picked Dorie Miller, but when we learned he was only a 3rd Class Cook in the Navy, and help take down those "Jap" planes, we quickly changed our minds. He didn't die in the attack, but three years later. Any class would be honored to have the name Dorie Miller, going above and beyond the call of duty, not necessarily in war, but anything else we do.