Monday, April 25, 2011

America I Am

      The title "America I Am" mean to us that through all of the hard times that America may go through we will prevail no matter how harsh or cruel it may be. America the United States to be exact has been through a lot and has bounced back. An example of this would be when we first started our new world we brought over those from Africa and treated them wrong, they treated them as slaves and thought of them as less because they were darker in color. This led to racism which is also a big example on how America went through hard times, racism was a big issue that separated blacks from whites. The "America I Am" pretty much explains itself. America defines its on self with numerous and trails and tribulations it went through, with racism, injustice, separation, etc. Speaking of injustices, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made a quote that was featured in the exhibit "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere". What this qoute means justice will eventually be broken down if injustice is surfaced everywhere.
 Overall the exhibit was interesting. With the many objects, quotes, and showings it made us feel like we were actually there. For example the many church they had with the movie showing, and the pews. Also with the mode, lighting, and music it made you feel like you were there during that time period too. The exhibit was education and fascinating, which you could learn many things from that.

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