Monday, February 28, 2011

Lesson's Learned from the Tuskegee Airmen

We as African Americans and all races can learn important lessons from the Tuskegee Airmen. Life for them was pretty hard from getting their pilots license to actually flying a plane. We can learn that in order to succeed in life u have to keep trying. You can take examples from the HBO movie which tells the story of Hannibal Lee who travels to Tuskegee, Alabama to join the Air Force and to serve his country. Along this trip he meets 4 loyal friends who throughout the movie die. Lee never stops and continues on to complete his journey in serving his country.

Another lesson learned from these brave men is to never lose sight of what you hope to achieve. In the movie we saw many challenges that Lt.Lee went through to become a pilot and to fight in the Air Firce. He lost many friends in his battle to achieve what he wanted. Although he struggled through great loses of great friends he still succeeded in what he planned to do. He knew that that's what they would have wanted him to do, which is something that we should all take out of this movie is that even though you loose something that you care deeply about never loose sight of what you want to achieve.

Also a lesson that is very important to me is to always listen to those with experience and you will succeed. An example of this would be that in the movie we watched there was a African American Lt.Gleen who was an experienced flier and who was also one of their trainers. He was one of the first AA flyers and he was a good role model to follow. Lt.Lee did everything that Lt.Gleen told him even though he was opposed to him telling one of hid good friends that he had to leave which lead to him killing himself. Lt.Lee still listened and paid attention and therefore he became a wonderful flyer and was successful in all of his mission.

As you can see we can learn a lot of valuble life lesson's from these brave men. They can teach us many things like to not lose sight of your goal, listen to those with experience, and to NEVER give up. Listen watch and learn form the Tuskegee Airmen.

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