Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Dorie Miller

Dorie Miller (1919- 1943) has been a heroic icon in WWII, On the attack of Pearl Harbor (Dec. 7, 1941). As the story goes he took down at least one Jap plane with a 50mm bridge gun. In 1942, he got the 2nd highest ranking award in the Navy, which is the Nave Cross, but only after much uproar from the public. He died while on another ship in 1943 at the age of 25 along with 644 men. His poster was used at the time to encourage more Blacks to join the military, and a promise with more responsibility. That's where the slogan comes in "Above and beyond the call of duty" truly describes what he did that day. He received his Navy Cross award 6 months after the attack. The artist was David  Martin Stone

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